Project Investments

Teska obtains unique properties that have the potential to produce substantial profits. We encapsulate each property in its own corporation allowing us to have different investors in different projects and different projects built by different builders. Projects investors can buy redeemable Preferred Shares in the project Company which are built by different builders redeemed by the Company, usually at the time of achieving Site Plan Approval for the project, sometimes at project completion by the builder.

Returns on these types of projects are fixed at the redemption price by the builder of each Preferred Share and vary from project to project, Investors are invited to participate in a project by being in our Investor Invitation List. Invitations include a summary of the project, the potential returns and what positions are available and where the project has progressed towards site plan approval.

Sometimes an Investor may bring a potential property to Teska, and should the property be of interest, we would we work out an arrangement either to partner on the project or invite the Investor into the project as a Common Shareholder. Returns on these types of projects vary with the net profit earned.

Should you be interested in investing with Teska; please contact Mr. Tim Siva, Director of Business Development, Mr Said Mohammadi Executive VP, Teska Construction INC, or Mr. Stephen Tunks, Chairman. Call us at 647-424-2233 and make your selection.


OTTAWA: Suite 101,110 Didsbury Road, Kanata, ON, K2T

TORONTO OFFICE: SUITE 303-9011 Leslie St. Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 3B6

Call +1 (647)-424-2233


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